Wapiti Studios is born

Welcome to Wapiti Studios, a one-woman show run by science writer and illustrator Sarah Nason!

Wapiti Studios is an Alberta-based #scicomm and #sciart creative business. I help take scientific information and data and translate it into engaging writing and illustrations. My work focuses on celebrating three areas of passion: nature, wildlife conservation, and supporting reconciliation with Indigenous peoples.

Why these focus areas? Indigenous rights and sovereignty are fundamentally linked to the protection and stewardship of nature and wildlife. It is my belief that we cannot have one without the other. I take a holistic view of respecting all those who live on the land (be they people, plants, animals, fungi or weird-ass bacteria).

I think that our scientific study of the living world is connected to our love and celebration of nature. That is why I want my work to communicate a sense of joy, wonder and celebration. Nature is for everyone and I believe that #scicomm should increase the accessibility of scientific information for all citizens. So I will always be considering pro bono or discounted work for non-profits, Indigenous groups and charities who may like to work with me!

Thank you for reading this mini informal manifesto! This website will soon be populated with a portfolio of examples, so keep your eyes on this space for art and writing that celebrates the natural world.


What scientists should keep in mind when working with artists and storytellers